泛华设备有限公司是华联船舶有限公司(CUSBC)的下属企业,一家专业从事船舶设备的贸易公司。 公司于1986年注册在香港。经过30多年的发展,除了在香港的公司总部外,目前在上海,大连、广州设有代表处以及办事处,拥有员工20余人,分属销售部、服务部等。
Marinequip China Co., Ltd, belongs to China United Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (CUSBC), a company has more than 30 years experience of marine equipment trading.
Marinequip China Co., Ltd was registered in Hong Kong in 1986. The head office located in Hong Kong and we have representative office in Shanghai, Dalian and Guangzhou city, China. Over 20 employees working in Sales Dept, Service Dept.
Marinequip China Co., specializes in supply the representative marine equipment and its spare part to Chinese customer, the after sales service as well.